Thursday, 11 April 2013

Working with youth...

Had a great opportunity to assist a film-maker (James from Foto Plus) yesterday, on a mission to check-out and document some skate parks in Dorchester and Portland. The idea was set up by Plymouth City Council, local youth workers and youth to push for a skate park in Plymouth. The day's work was a mixture of video interviews, wide angle shots and documentary video work. I worked with a Canon DSLR with a manual lens to create the video interviews while James did the sound and the interviews.
This was my first attempt at this style of work, and I'm really looking forward to James' final edit.

Of course I took my camera to capture some stills...

The still images will be integrated into the video as a slide show at the end of the documentary with the end credits and presented to Southway Youth. I'll post a link to the work when it's completed.

©2013 Matt Elliott

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